Wednesday, September 12, 2007

ASM Annual Dinner

It's time for another annual dinner again. The whole actuarial department of Uni.Asia Life Assurance attended both the talks and the dinner @ Crown Plaza support of our boss (who's the current ASM president). =P

The first talk was something I could relate to. Mr Teh Loo Hai spoke on product pricing under the Risk Based Capital (RBC) framework. The second speaker is the actuary from CIMB-Aviva. He was speaking about RBC's twin in the UK, the Internal Capital Adequacy Standard (ICAS) and later on the pensions industry in the UK before I left the ballroom until the end (I wasn't being disrespectful, just uninterested).

Anyway, dinner followed right after the talks. Chong and I sat with some Prudential roses (Pei Wei, Yuet Ting, Xiang Yi, Diana and my fellow Ipoh-mali, Lisa Leong). Then each table had to play games where we were given 3 puzzles (a 6x6 sudoku, a numerical & a crossword puzzle) and a word-finding task. Lisa and I managed to find all the words. Anyway my table wasn't in the top 3....we couldn't figure out the numerical puzzles.

The final item of the evening was the quiz. My team was neck-to-neck with the eventual winners MERCERnaries in the first 3 rounds but eventually we even conceded 2nd place to the Prudential team. Tough luck....try again next year lah...

I've always enjoyed ASM annual dinners. This year is no different. Kudos to Johan & his organising team!

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