Friday, June 27, 2008

The Notorious KL Flash Flood (posted Apr 16, 2008)

Last year I saw it in the papers. Car park near KLCC flooded till at least waist level.

Today I became a victim. There was a heavy downpour in KL around 3.30pm. By 4.15pm water was already rising. Prudential sent an email to all staff. I dashed to my car, but it was to late. The alarm was ringing. Water had found its way into my car & immersed the pedals. I tried to ignite. Dead.

I had to think quick. The alarm still sounded quite loud. My car needed power for reignition later. So I opened the bonet & unplugged the battery terminals. No more alarm. Then I released the handbrake & shouted for help from the car par attendants. After pushing another car, 2 fellas came & helped push mine to dry land.

It was like an aquarium inside. I took an empty 1.5l mineral water bottle from my boot (thank goodness it's still dry), cut off the top and started scooping mudwater out. Just then a girl got her Kelisa pushed to safety as well. Her alarm was still ringing. I took my spanner & unscrewed the nut that held the battery terminal tight. No more alarm. I gave her my water scoop too.

After waiting half an hour, I tried connecting the terminals & reignite. Failed to start. A good Samaritan came by & pulled out the alarm cable from a socket located beneath the radio. My car then roared to live again, finally!!!

I spent the rest of the time soakin up water with a towel & revving up my car. Dinner appointment got cancelled cuz Eng Yau's & Lisa's car also suffered the same fate.

The SMART tunnel was built to solve these problems. Now I gotta endure the stench for weeks. But thank goodness I came down in time. Otherwise...engine overhaul.

Welcome to KL, Ipohmali.

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